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Invitation for Prequalification


Date: 29 August, 2024

Loan No. and Title: Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Corridors 3 and 6 Turkistan Oblast Highway (Saryagash Bypass) Project

Contract No(s). and Title(s): W01: Design, Construction, and Performance-Based Maintenance (PBM) of Saryagash Bypass highway

Lot 1: Design, Construction, and PBM of bypass (Km 0 to Km 55)

Lot 2: Design, Construction, and PBM of bypass (Km 55 to Km 102)

Deadline for Submission of Application: 15 October, 2024


1. The Republic of Kazakhstan has applied for financing from the ADB toward the cost of Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Corridors 3 and 6 Turkistan Oblast Highway (Saryagash Bypass) Project. Part of this financing will be used for payments under the Contract named above.


2. The JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” (the “Employer”) intends to prequalify firms for: Design, Construction, and Performance-Based Maintenance of Saryagash bypass highway:

Lot 1: Construction of bypass (Km 0 to Km 55)

Lot 2: Construction of bypass (Km 55 to Km 102)


3. Only eligible Applicants with the following key qualifications defined in the Prequalification Document may participate in this prequalification.

(i) Average Annual Construction Turnover for the last 5 years of at least:

Lot 1: $65 million

Lot 2: $40 million

(ii) Contracts of similar size and nature:

Lot 1: one similar contract of minimum length of 44 km or two similar contracts of minimum length of 22 km successfully completed within the last 10 years (not earlier than January 1st, 2014);

Lot 2: one similar contract of minimum length of 37 km or two similar contracts of minimum length of 18 km successfully completed within the last 10 years (not earlier than January 1st, 2014).

(iii) Construction Experience in Key Activities:

Rigid cement concrete paving or flexible bituminous pavements during at least one year in the last ten (10) years in an amount not less than 250,000m2 for Lot 1 and 200,000m2 for Lot 2.

Earthworks during at least one year in the last ten (10) years in an amount not less than 1.9 million m3 per year for Lot 1 and 1.1 million m3 for Lot 2.


4. It is expected that the Invitation for Bids will be made in December, 2024.

5. To obtain further information and inspect the Prequalification Document, interested eligible Applicants should contact:

Mr. Serik Imashev, Chief Engineer

Street address: 60/4, Syganak str.

Floor/Room number: 7th floor

City: Astana

ZIP code: 010000

Telephone: +7 (717) 2 648 778

E-mail: nurlan.bekmurzayev@qaj.kzd.konkaev@qaj.kz


6. To obtain the Prequalification Document, eligible Applicants should write to the address above, requesting the Prequalification Document for Design, Construction, and Performance-Based Maintenance of Saryagash bypass highway.

The document will be sent electronically and a hard copy by courier mail. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.


7. Deliver your Application:

to the address: 60/4, Syganak str., 7th floor, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan;

on or before: 15 October, 2024

The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject late Applications.


8. The Employer will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Applicants in connection with the preparation or delivery of their Applications.

9. The Employer will notify all Applicants in writing of the names of those Applicants who have been prequalified.


JSC NC KazAvtoZhol notifies about the beginning of the tender for selection of contractors for the Aktobe-Ulgaisyn project.

The tender will be held in electronic format on the electronic portal of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

A mandatory requirement for participation in the competition is registration and submission of applications as a contractor on the above-mentioned website.

Detailed information about the requirements for the participants of the competition is available in the tender documentation posted on the website.

The deadline for accepting applications is July 15, 2024, the time and date of opening envelopes is September 13, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Astana time.

JSC NC KazAvtoZhol urges potential participants to exclude any corruption offenses. If you are faced with corruption violations or have become an unwitting witness of such manifestations, you should contact the KazAvtoZhol NC JSC helpline + 7 7172 648738 and the CALL Center of the Anti-Corruption Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1424.

Invitation for Prequalification

Country: Republic of Kazakhstan  

Name of Project: Transport Resilience and Connectivity Enhancement Project 

Contract Title: Road Improvement and Maintenance of «Karagandy-Jezkazgan» road  

Sector: Transport  

Prequalification Reference No.: TRACE/RFB/OPBRC/01-2024 

1. The JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” has applied for financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Transport Resilience and Connectivity Enhancement Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Road Improvement and Maintenance of Karagandy-Jezkazgan road. This contract will be jointly financed by Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Procurement process will be governed by the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations.

2. The JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” intends to prequalify contractors for 7 lots of Jezkazgan-Karagandy corridor located in Karagandy and Ulytau oblasts, namely:

Lot 1: Section km 883-946 (63 km)

Lot 2: Section km 833-883 (50 km)

Lot 3: Section km 783-833 (50 km)

Lot 4: Section km 733-783 (50 km)

Lot 5: Section km 683-733 (50 km)

Lot 6: Section km 583-683 (100 km)

Lot 7: Section km 448-583 (135 km)

The Works comprise earthworks, bridges, concrete pavements, and road furniture. It is expected that the Request for Bids will be made in 3 months.

3. curement Regulations for IPF Borrowers Procurement in Investment Project Financing - Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services dated September 2023 (Fifth Edition) (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Applicants as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

4. Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from the JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” at the address below during office hours 09:00 to 18:30 hours. A complete set of prequalification documents in English and Russian may be downloaded by interested Applicants at the following web-site: https://en.qaj.kz/

5. Applications for prequalification should be submitted in clearly marked envelopes and delivered to the address below by 15.00 on August 9, 2024. Late applications may be rejected.

JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol”

Mr. Nurlan Bekmurzayev

Address: 60/4, Syganak str., 7th floor, business center “Abu Dhabi Plaza”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone: +7 7172 648778

E-mail: nurlan.bekmurzayev@qaj.kz, d.konkaev@qaj.kz

Web site: https://en.qaj.kz/


The Kyzylorda regional branch of NC KazAvtoZhol JSC, together with the design organization Kazdorproekt LLP, is holding public hearings in the form of an open meeting on technical solutions for the feasibility study “Construction of the Beineu-Bozoy-Shalkar highway with a length of 515 km”< /p>

Name and contact details of the customer - RSU "Committee of Highways of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan", contact details - Astana, Yesil district, Kabanbay Batyr Ave., 32/1, Transport Tower building, telephone - 8 (7172 )754640, email address - k.priemnaya@miid.gov.kz .

Name and contact details of the customer’s representative - Kyzylorda regional branch of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol, contact details - Kyzylorda city, Zheltoksan street 18, phone - 8 (7242) 277706, email address - kyzylorda.info@qaj.kz.

Name and contact details of the documentation developer - Kazdorproject LLP, contact details - Almaty, Atameken microdistrict, building 3, telephone - 8 (727) 2555638, email address - kazdor@yandex.ru.

For all questions, please contact the Kyzylorda regional branch of NC KazAvtoZhol JSC and Kazdorproekt LLP.


Local residents, interested public, public organizations and all interested parties are invited to participate in public hearings.

Auction date: November 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. local time.

Auction location: Kyzylorda region, Aral district, Saksaulsk village, in the cultural center of the Saksaulsk village


The Aktobe regional branch of NC KazAvtoZhol JSC, together with the design organization Kazdorproekt LLP, is holding public hearings in the form of an open meeting on technical solutions for the feasibility study “Construction of the Beineu-Bozoy-Shalkar highway with a length of 515 km”< /p>

Name and contact details of the customer - RSU "Committee of Highways of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan", contact details – Astana, Yesil district, Kabanbai Batyr Ave., 32/1, Transport Tower building, telephone – 8(7172)754640, email address - k.priemnaya@miid.gov.kz< /a>.

Name and contact details of the customer’s representative - Aktobe regional branch of JSC NK KazAvtoZhol, contact details – Aktobe, st. Maresyeva 89, phone – 8(7132)546571, email address - aktobe.info@qaj.kz.

Name and contact details of the documentation developer - Kazdorproject LLP, contact details – Almaty, Atameken microdistrict, building 3, telephone – 8 (727) 2555638, email address - kazdor@yandex.ru.

For all questions, please contact the Aktobe regional branch of JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” and Kazdorproekt LLP.


Local residents, interested public, public organizations and all interested parties are invited to participate in public hearings.

Auction date: November 21, 2023, at 15:00 o'clock

Auction location: In the building of the akim’s office of the Zhanazhol rural district, located in the village of Oymauyt, Baiganinsky district Aktobe region

Auction date: November 22, 2023, at 11:00 o'clock

Place of the auction: in the building of the akim’s office of the Karauylkeldi rural district, located in the village of Karauylkeldy, Baiganinsky district Aktobe region

Attention! Auction!

The branch of NC KazAvtoZhol JSC “Directorate of Toll Roads” announces the beginning of the auction for the transfer of property for temporary possession and use roadside service located on the section of the Center-South transport corridor highway “Russian Border (to Ekaterinburg) - Almaty” 1353-1444 km in the village of Oshagandy, Karaganda region, through an auction using the method of bidding for an increase.

Auction date: June 19, 2023, at 15:00

Auction location: g. Astana, st. Syganak 60/4, block Y, 6th floor, JSC branch office "NC "KazAvtoZhol" "Directorate of Toll Roads"