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Committees of the Board of Directors

By decision of the Board of Directors No. 19 of March 10, 2015, to consider the most important issues and prepare recommendations for the Board of Directors, the following were created:

Strategic Planning and Investment Committee; Personnel and Remuneration Committee; Audit Committee.

The composition of the Committees was approved by decision of the Board of Directors No. 89/23 dated March 1, 2023.

Composition of the Strategic Planning and Investment Committee:

Chairman – Kozhakhmetov T.T.

Member of the Committee – Abdullin T.T.

Member of the Committee – Akhmetov E.S.

Composition of the HR and Remuneration Committee:

Chairman – Kozhakhmetov T.T.

Member of the Committee – Abdullin T.T.

Member of the Committee – Akhmetov E.S.

Composition of the Audit Committee:

Chairman – Kozhakhmetov T.T.

Member of the Committee – Abdullin T.T.

Member of the Committee – Akhmetov E.S.