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Corporate Secretary

The Corporate Secretary is an employee of the Company who is not a member of the Board of Directors or the Management Board, who is appointed by the Board of Directors and is accountable to the Board of Directors.

The legal status of the Corporate Secretary is determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter, the Regulations on the Corporate Secretary and other internal documents.

Main tasks of the Corporate Secretary:

Ensuring that the bodies and officials of the Company comply with the rules and procedures of corporate governance, guaranteeing the implementation and protection of the rights and interests of the Sole Shareholder; Ensuring the implementation of activities to prepare decisions of the Board of Directors in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents; Ensuring the effective activities of the Board of Directors; Ensuring storage, disclosure and provision of necessary information about the Company; Ensuring clear and effective interaction between the Company’s bodies.

By decision of the Board of Directors, Aidana Amangeldinovna Kalimova was appointed Corporate Secretary of NC KazAvtoZhol JSC

конт.тел. +7 (7172) 648-714.

Regulations on the Corporate Secretary