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Centralized procurement control service

The Centralized Service for Procurement Control (hereinafter referred to as the Service) is a body of NC KazAvtoZhol JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) that monitors compliance by officials, structural divisions and employees of the Company with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Procurement individual entities of the quasi-public sector" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and the Rules for procurement by individual entities of the quasi-public sector, with the exception of the National Welfare Fund and organizations of the National Welfare Fund, as well as other internal documents in the field of procurement.

The Service is accountable in its work to the Board of Directors of the Company in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Law.

According to the Rules for control carried out by the centralized service for control of procurement, with the exception of the centralized service for control of procurement of the National Welfare Fund approved by order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2021 No. 1252, the Service carries out constant internal control over compliance with the rules of procurement carried out JSC NC KazAvtoZhol and its branches.

The service, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions in the established order:

Exercises control over officials, structural divisions and employees of the Society of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Procurement Rules, as well as other internal documents in the field of procurement ; Makes decisions on procurement issues within the competence established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Informs the Board of Directors about violations identified in the Company in the field of procurement and measures taken to eliminate them; Participates in the development, compliance and periodic review of procurement procedures in the Company in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Procurement Rules; Monitors and analyzes existing practices, trends, development prospects in the field of procurement in the Republic of Kazakhstan and issues (sends) analytical reports, recommendations to officials, relevant bodies and heads of structural divisions of the Company; Presents a report to the Board of Directors on the state of procurement processes in the Company, the Company’s compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Procurement Rules and others internal documents of the Company in the field of procurement, with proposals aimed at improving the procurement process in the Company; Provides members of the Board of Directors with the documents and other information they request in the field of procurement;

Also, in accordance with the Rules for the formation and maintenance of a register in the field of procurement of individual entities of the quasi-public sector, with the exception of the National Welfare Fund and organizations of the National Welfare Fund, the Service creates a register of dishonest procurement participants.

In accordance with Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On procurement of individual entities of the quasi-public sector”, potential suppliers have the right to appeal actions or inactions, decisions of the customer to the Centralized Procurement Control Service.

At the same time, during the consideration of complaints, the conclusion of a procurement contract is suspended by the Service until the end of the consideration period; if the arguments specified in the appeal are confirmed, the Service will take appropriate measures established by the Law, up to and including cancellation/revision of the procurement results.

A complaint about actions (inactions), decisions of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol can be submitted through the public procurement information system goszakup.gov.kz or by email to the office of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol info@qaj.kz.

Regulations on the Centralized Procurement Control Service