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External audit

To confirm the reliability of the financial statements of JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) engages an independent audit organization.

In accordance with the Rules for the procurement of goods, works and services of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol dated April 26, 2017 No. 36/170 and based on a price offer with an independent audit organization RSMQazaqstan LLP an agreement was concluded for the procurement of services for the audit of financial statements for 2022.

Services for external audit of the Company’s financial statements were provided by:

from 2018 to 2021. - KPMG Audit LLP. from 2022 - RSM Qazaqstan LLP.

Amount of remuneration for audit services of financial statements- in accordance with the agreement, the amount of annual remuneration paid to the audit organization for audit services of financial statements was:

in 2021 – 33 264 000 (including VAT) tenge; in 2022 - 20 720 000 (including VAT) tenge.

List of services for audit of financial statements and related services provided by the external auditor, in accordance with the above agreement:

Check and audit of financial statements in general for the Company and for trust management in order to express an independent opinion on the reliability of financial statements in accordance with IFRS in all material aspects:

Audit of financial statements for 2022 for the Company as a whole, prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards; Audit of financial statements prepared in the format of annual financial statements for the purpose of publication in the media, in accordance with the list, forms, approved by the authorized body that regulates activities in the field of accounting and financial reporting.

Provision of related services as part of the audit of financial statements, the cost of which is included in the total cost of services:

assessment of accounting and financial reporting (including assessment of the inventory accounting procedure, assessment and revaluation of assets and liabilities, methods and procedures for conducting an inventory of assets and liabilities, including reconciliation of receivables and payables with suppliers of goods, works/services); assessment of the state of software and hardware equipment and reliability of automated information processing systems; assessment of identified cases of theft (fraud) and errors in accounting and financial reporting; assessment of compliance of the Company’s activities with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of accounting and financial reporting; submission of proposals to improve disclosures in the notes to the financial statements of the Company;  -conducting an annual tax review for the financial year 2022 without providing a tax report. The tax review should cover accounting and tax procedures (especially those issues where the possibility of tax risks is most significant); conducting consultations on accounting and tax accounting during the audit without providing reports on consultations; assessment of the adequacy of the Company’s internal control system on issues related to the preparation of financial statements; - assessment of the organization of control over the activities of the Company’s branches on issues related to accounting and preparation of financial statements; assessment of the activities of the internal audit service; conducting seminars for the Company’s employees in the amount of at least 20 academic hours per year with the provision of a certificate to participants on the following topics: - “Overview of changes in IFRS” - on other topics agreed with the Society; - overview of changes to the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan; presentation of the audit results for 2022 to management and the Board of Directors/Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company.