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Build your business with QazAvtoJol

Roadside service is a promising industry for business development. Gas stations and campsites, warm toilets and public showers, retail and catering outlets, as well as service stations, car washes and guarded parking.

Capital structure of OPS

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Implies the fundamental construction of large complexes made of brick, concrete, etc. A private investor for the construction of a capital public safety system must obtain land from the local government, after which the connection to a highway of republican significance receives approval, technical .condition of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol.

What are the advantages:

Issuing technical conditions for adjoining recreation areas and coordinating the allocation of land plots next to recreation areas In areas of road reconstruction, it is possible to move the rest area closer to the roadside service facility Issuance of technical conditions for connecting the lighting of highways and recreation areas to the electrical network The Ministry of Culture and Sports will pay subsidies in the amount of 10% of the cost of construction of the public safety zone.

Subsidy procedure:

Application for subsidies to the local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital at the place of registration. The application and the package of documents attached to it are registered and reviewed by the local executive body for completeness and compliance within 2 working days The local executive body creates an Application Review Commission, which makes a decision within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the package of documents The decision of the commission is formalized in a protocol and is published on the LEB Internet resource within 2 working days from the date of its signing. According to the protocol, the local executive authority forms and sends a budget request in full to the authorized body, where it includes reimbursement costs in the budget request .

Construction of a modular pavilion

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It means a mobile object that can be picked up and moved from one point to another at any time NC KazAvtoZhol JSC is donating a recreation area for the construction of a modular pavilion to a private investor free of charge

What are the advantages:

Ready land for construction Garbage removal and snow removal from recreation areas at the expense of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol The Ministry of Culture and Sports will pay monthly subsidies in the amount of 83,300 tenge. for the maintenance of SGU

Subsidy procedure:

Application for subsidies to the local executive body of the region, city of republican significance, capital at the location of the SGU The application and the package of documents attached to it are registered and reviewed by the local executive body for completeness and compliance within 2 working days The local executive body creates an Application Review Commission, which makes a decision within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the package of documents If the commission’s decision is positive, the project is sent for approval to the authorized body, where it is considered within 5 working days from the date its receipts After approval of the project, the local executive body, by resolution of the akimat, approves the list of SGU and publishes it on its Internet resource within 2 working days< /span>
Get a consultation Rules for the placement and design of modular roadside service facilities at rest areas

Object categories

Submission of an application (expression of interest) for the installation of a service pavilion with a sanitary and hygienic unit (SSU) at rest areas or construction of a roadside service facility adjacent to a rest area or to a highway of national and international importance

Construction of a modular pavilion

Implies a mobile object that can be picked up and moved from one point to another at any time


Capital construction of fire alarm system

This is the fundamental construction of large complexes made of brick, concrete, etc.


Category "A": Multifunctional service complex

Road service facilities of category “A” are a multifunctional road service complex, including various types of services for road users and occupying a single territory. Requirements for roadside service facilities are described in National Standard 2476-2014.

Typical project of ODS category A

Design and estimate documentation for a typical roadside service facility of category "A"

Category "B": Multifunctional service complex

Road service facilities of category “B” are designed for long rest breaks, offering a wide range of services from road service facilities. Requirements for roadside service facilities are described in National Standard 2476-2014.

Typical design of ODS category B

Design and estimate documentation for a typical roadside service facility of category "A" includes a possible change to Category "B" by reducing the number of motel rooms and excluding the shopping and entertainment area from the project.

Category "C": Cafe with retail outlet

Road service facilities “C” are intended for short-term rest breaks and meeting the urgent needs of road users. Requirements for roadside service facilities are described in National Standard 2476-2014.

Location of 624 recreation areas

Category "D": Gas station with retail outlet

Road service facilities “D” are intended for short-term breaks for recreation and to meet the urgent needs of road users and refueling a car (gasoline, diesel or gas fuel). Requirements for roadside service facilities are described in National standard 2476-2014.

Location of 624 recreation areas

National standard ST RK 2476-2021

The standard establishes general requirements for services provided on public roads (hereinafter referred to as roads) by road service and road service facilities, as well as the rules for their placement and arrangement.

Download standard

Support measures for business


Garbage removal

Snow removal and garbage removal from recreation areas at the expense of QazAvtoJol for the entire duration of the contract



Issuance of technical conditions for adjoining recreation areas and approval of allocation land plots near the sites rest



Expanding the boundaries and repairing recreation areas for the convenience of Users highways


Selecting a location

At highway reconstruction sites, it is possible to move the rest area closer to roadside service facility


Installing signs

Installation of road signs and information boards to inform Users highways



Issue of technical specifications for connection to the electrical lighting network highways and recreation areas

Support measures



Allocation of land plots in the roadside strip in agreement with NC KazAvtoZhol JSC



Consulting entrepreneurs on financing and business plan development
