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Situation center

Traffic vehicles with a trailer or semi-trailer are restricted p>

Traffic for diesel and public vehicles is limited

Traffic for all types of transport is limited

Danger level of traveling on roads

The level of danger of traveling on roads is an indicator of danger characterized by natural, man-made, environmental, social, biological and anthropogenic phenomena (hereinafter referred to as hazardous phenomena), causing harm to life, health and material damage to road users


Yellow level

Potentially hazardous phenomena that may cause harmful consequences for road users and vehicles


Orange level

Hazardous phenomena where there is a possibility of natural disasters that can lead to material damage and human casualties (traffic restrictions for diesel and public transport)


Red level

Dangerous natural, man-made, environmental, social, biological, anthropogenic phenomena, where there is a likelihood of major destruction and disasters, human casualties are likely (traffic restrictions for all types of transport)

Movement restrictions


Yellow level

At the yellow danger level, the movement of vehicles on roads is not limited, with the exception of freight vehicles with a trailer or semi-trailer in certain areas where there are dangerous ups and downs for their movement. At this level of danger, data center operators and regional branches warn road users about the likelihood of worsening travel conditions, which could lead to harmful consequences.

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At the yellow danger level, the movement of vehicles on roads is not limited, with the exception of freight vehicles with a trailer or semi-trailer in certain areas where there are ups and downs that are dangerous for their movement. At this level of danger, data center operators and regional branches warn road users about the likelihood of worsening travel conditions, which could lead to harmful consequences.

Orange level

At the orange danger level, movement for diesel and public vehicles is limited in case of a sharp drop in air temperature (below -30C), strong side and gusty winds (with average speed of 20 m/sec and gusts of 25 m/sec or more), which can lead to material damage and casualties.

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At the orange danger level, traffic for diesel and public vehicles is limited in the event of a sharp drop in air temperature (below -30C), strong side and gusty winds (with an average speed of 20 m/sec and gusts of 25 m/sec or more), which can cause to material damage and human casualties.

Red level

At the red danger level, movement is limited for all types of transport where there is a high probability of human casualties.

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At the red danger level, movement is limited for all types of transport where there is a high probability of human casualties.

Restrictions for trucks

Restrictions in summer

Date of annual validity of temporary traffic restrictions:


from June 1 to August 31 of the corresponding year, from 10-00 to
22-00 hours at air temperatures above 25°C, in the following areas:

Almaty region;

Atyrau region;

Zhambyl region;

Karaganda region (Zhezkazgan region);

Kyzylorda region;

South Kazakhstan region;

Mangystau region.

from June 1 to August 15 of the corresponding year, from 11-00 to 21-00 hours at air temperatures above 25°C, in the following areas:

Akmola region;

Aktobe region;

East Kazakhstan region;

West Kazakhstan region;

Karaganda region (Karaganda region);

Kostanay region;

Pavlodar region;

North Kazakhstan region.

Axle load limits

The permissible axial (per group of axles) load of vehicles in the sum of axial masses must not exceed the following values (in tons):


single axis 10.0;
for dual axles with distances between axles:

up to 1 meter 12.0;

from 1 meter inclusive to 1.3 meters 14.0;

from 1.3 meters inclusive to 1.8 meters 16.0;

from 1.8 meters to 2 meters 18.0;

the load may be exceeded by 1 ton in the case where each drive axle is equipped with dual-pitch wheels and the load on each axle does not exceed 9, 5 tons;

for triple axes with distances between axes:

up to 1 meter 18.0;

from 1 meter inclusive to 1.3 meters 21.0;

from 1.3 meters inclusive to 1.8 meters 24.0;

from 1.8 meters to 2 meters 27.0;

with more than three axles or a group of independent axles, load on each axle at distances between axles:

up to 1 meter 6.0;

from 1 meter inclusive to 1.3 meters 7.0;

from 1.3 meters inclusive to 1.8 meters 8.0;

from 1.8 meters to 2 meters 9.0.

Overload charge for vehicle owners

Owners of cargo vehicles are subject to a fee for driving on the road with a car that exceeds the weight parameters, according to Art. 461 Tax Code

To transport heavy cargo, you must obtain a special permit.

Dimensions restrictions

Permissible overall parameters and other linear dimensions of vehicles must not exceed the following values (in meters):


allowed length:

single vehicles:

categories M1, N and O (trailer) 12.0;

categories M2 and M3 13.5;

categories M2 and M3 with more than two axles 15.0;

categories M2 and M3 with trailer 18.75;

articulated buses of categories M2 and M3 18.75;

road trains consisting of a tractor and semi-trailer 16.5;

road train consisting of a tractor and trailer 20.0;

road trains, by design and purpose specifically

intended for transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo 20.0.

allowed width:

all vehicles 2.55;

isothermal bodies of vehicles 2.6;

allowable height:

all vehicles 4.0.;

Excessive dimensions fee for vehicle owners

Owners of cargo vehicles are subject to a fee for driving on the road with a car exceeding the overall parameters, according to St. 461 Tax Code.

To transport large-sized cargo, you must obtain special permission.

Weight restrictions

The permissible weight of vehicles must not exceed the following values (in tons):


single vehicles:

categories M, N and O (trailer):

two-axle 18.0;

three-axle (except for articulated buses of category M3) 25.0;

for three-axle single vehicles, the load may be exceeded by 1 ton in the case when the drive axles are equipped with double wheels and the load on each axle does not exceed 9.5 tons;

for a trailer and (or) semi-trailer with more than three axles, by design and purpose specially intended for the transportation of large and (or) heavy loads, must not exceed the permissible sum of axial masses (group of axles);

four-axle, including two steered axles 32.0;

five-axle 38.0;

with six or more axles 44.0;

road trains consisting of a tractor and semi-trailer:

triaxial 28.0;

four-axle 36.0;

for four-axle road trains, a weight excess of 2 tons is allowed in the case where the permissible weight of a two-axle tractor is no more than 18 tons and the load on a double the semi-trailer axle is 19 tons with a distance between the axles of 1.8 meters or more, the drive axles of the tractor are equipped with dual-pitch wheels and air or equivalent suspension;

five or more axes 40.0;

for a road train, by design and purpose specially intended for the transportation of large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, must not exceed the sum of the permissible masses single vehicles.

road trains consisting of a tractor and trailer:

triaxial 28.0;

four-axle 36.0;

five or more axles 44.0. for a road train, by design and purpose specially intended for the transportation of large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, should not exceed the sum of the permissible masses of single vehicles.