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Based on Orders of the Minister of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 24, 2018 No. 902,903, 904, the launch of the toll collection system started on January 26, 2019 on the Astana - Temirtau highways. (134 km), "Almaty - Kapshagai" (42 km), "Almaty-Khorgos" (295 km). The functioning of the toll collection system on the newly introduced toll sections will help improve the quality of roads of national importance, reduce accident rates, and improve logistics corridors. The development of transport infrastructure will lead to an increase in GDP and will ensure investment in the repair, reconstruction and maintenance of roads.


During a national teleconference, the Head of State launched traffic on the Uralsk - Taskala highway – gr.RF"


Commissioning of the section of the Beineu - Akzhigit highway – border of the Republic of Uzbekistan." As part of the presentation of the multimodal transport hub - the ferry complex of the port of Kuryk, in a teleconference mode, Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev launched the commissioning of the section of the road "Beineu-Akzhigit-border of the Republic of Uzbekistan".


JSC "NC "KazAvtoZhol" launched the mobile application "Kazway" to search for roadside service points on the republican roads of Kazakhstan. The application is already available on iOS. With its help, the user can find offline roadside service points anywhere in Kazakhstan. The Kazway mobile application provides data on 1,800 roadside service points in categories such as gas stations, motels, bathrooms, food outlets, retail, service stations, car wash, medical care, parking, guarded parking, picnic areas, tow trucks. Each of these categories displays the location of the item and offers a “call” function. In addition, the application provides a function for calculating distances between cities in Kazakhstan. OFFLINE MOBILE APPLICATION An inventory of roadside service facilities, a list of services, addresses and telephone numbers of owners was carried out. Applications have been developed for Android operating systems  and iOS. UPDATING INFORMATION ON THE CARDS Information about roadside service facilities has been updated on public maps TransPark, Yandex Maps, Google Maps and Here Maps.


JSC "NC "KazAvtoZhol" launches a pilot project to introduce RFID tag technology on vehicles. RFID tags are radio frequency devices that have their own unique number and are capable of identifying and automatically reading vehicle data. Based on the RFID tag data, barriers, gates or other barriers are controlled. When an RFID identification code is detected – stickers on the windshield of the vehicle, the system identifies the vehicle and allows you to continuously pass through toll booths on toll sections of highways.


JSC "NC "KazAvtoZhol" and JSC "NC "Kazakh Tourism" agreed on cooperation on the development of roadside service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The memorandum assumes cooperation between the parties on the implementation of projects for the construction and operation of new and existing roadside service facilities, as well as the reconstruction of existing facilities. In addition, the memorandum is aimed at disseminating best practices for supporting entrepreneurship in the field of roadside services and improving the business climate in general.


Company "KazAvtoZhol" signed a bilateral agreement within the framework of the One Belt, One Road Forum. The loan agreement was signed between JSC "NC "KazAvtoZhol" and China Exim Bank on projects for the reconstruction of highways of republican significance Kalbatau-Maikapshagai (415 km.) and Merke-Burylbaytal (273 km.). These sections of highways are important in realizing the transit potential of Kazakhstan within the framework of the international initiative "New Silk Road". The bilateral agreement was signed within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” Forum for International Cooperation. which ended today in Beijing. The event was attended by a delegation from Kazakhstan led by the President of the Republic Nursultan Nazarbayev. As part of the forum, a high-level dialogue was organized for the exchange of views and cooperation between governments, industries and research institutes. Heads of state and government from more than 20 countries were invited to the forum. The Forum is aimed at issues of policy coordination, infrastructure development, trade promotion, financial integration and connections between peoples. It is reported that following the results of the forum, the heads of state and government will adopt a joint press communiqué. The document contained issues of long-term international cooperation in the areas of infrastructure, trade, financial integration, and also addressed issues of promoting exchanges between people necessary to facilitate mutual visits between countries. 


«KazAvtoZhol» and GC "Avtodor" (RF) signed a memorandum of cooperation. The parties intend to cooperate in such areas as design, construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of highways. It is also planned to interact on the implementation and use of scientific and technical developments and intelligent transport systems in the field of roads, and issues of joint implementation of large regional investment projects. At the same time, within the framework of the Forum, a Memorandum was also signed between JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” and RT-Invest Transport Systems LLC. Representatives of the companies agreed to study the issue of using the “Platon” toll collection system devices already installed on transit vehicles. on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the convenience of carriers and smooth border crossing.


Opening of the largest bridge crossing in Central Asia across the Irtysh River in the Pavlodar region. The event was attended by akim of the region Bolat Bakauov, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Bozumbayev, as well as Chairman of the Board of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol Ermek Kizatov and Chairman of the Committee on Highways of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mereke Pshembaev. The bridge design has successfully passed all the necessary tests, its capacity — 10 thousand cars per day. The bridge is equipped with numerous sensors that send signals to the central computer to constantly monitor its condition. A modern video surveillance system will also operate here. 53.8 billion tenge was spent on the entire project, implemented within the framework of the state program “Nurly Zhol.” The bridge crossing over the Irtysh with a total length of 12.3 kilometers, of which 426 meters — This is an arch bridge. It was built using Swiss technology, which was used in Kazakhstan for the first time. During the construction of the bridge, 13.5 tons of metal structures, 140 thousand cubic meters of concrete were used, 700 units of equipment, 1,800 workers were also involved, 100 regional enterprises took part in the construction.


International motor rally through the countries of Central Asia – southern branch of the Great Silk Road. It was organized by the Intergovernmental Council of Road Workers of the CIS Countries and JSC National Company KazAvtoZhol. with the support of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan. During the route, the participants monitored this transport corridor not only in terms of the condition of the roadway, but also for the presence of administrative barriers in international road transport, studied road conditions and bottlenecks on the international road route, as well as the state of supporting infrastructure, including road border checkpoints on the border of neighboring states of the CIS member countries. A number of meetings were also held with the leadership of transport and road departments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan at the start, finish and along the route of the caravan to discuss current problems of the road industry, including issues related to the condition and development of international highways in the CIS. 


In order to create a favorable investment climate, on October 27, 2015, the Head of State Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development of road transport infrastructure, transport logistics and air transportation.” In accordance with the Law "KazAvtoZhol" declared a single operator for the maintenance and development of road transport infrastructure in Kazakhstan and vested with new powers. During the annual National Bridge “New industrialization of Kazakhstan: II Five-Year Plan. Industrialization and economic growth" The Head of State launched the reconstruction of the Oral highway. Dragged – Saratov". Report of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on industrial and innovative development and the Nurly Zhol program The Head of State was presented with the work being carried out on 4 highway reconstruction projects within the framework of Nurly Zhol.  


The issue of the need to reform the road industry was adopted in May 2012 at a meeting of the State Commission on Modernization of the Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On May 18, 2012, the State Commission for Modernization of the Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan decided on the need to reform the road industry. On July 2, 2013, No. 112-V, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On introducing amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on reforming the road industry” was adopted. Joint Stock Company "KazAvtoZhol" with 100% state participation in the authorized capital, was created in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 79 dated February 1, 2013 through the reorganization of the subsidiary state enterprise "Kazakhavtodor-Kokshetau" Republican state enterprise with the right of economic management "Kazakhavtodor" Committee of Highways of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 30, 2013 No. 744 “On the National Operator for Highway Management” (hereinafter referred to as the National Operator) The company was determined to be the National Operator for the Management of Highways and was subsequently assigned the status of a National Company (approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 21, 2013 No. 822). As a result of improving the public administration system, voiced in the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan, the territorial bodies of the Committee of Highways were abolished, on the basis of which regional branches of JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol” were created from September 1, 2013. The competence of the Committee for Highways of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes issues of strategic planning, formation and implementation of policy for the development of the industry, science, as well as regulatory support and relevant state control.  The powers of the National Operator include the following issues:  implementation of budget investment projects for the development of a network of public roads of international and republican significance on the basis of a state assignment; organization of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads of international and republican significance as part of the implementation of state assignments;  monitoring the progress and quality of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads of international and republican significance within the framework of organizing the execution of state assignments;  introduction of tolls on highways (sections), etc. The national highway management operator services 23,680 km of the republican highway network, of which in trust management the branch “Directorate of Toll Roads” the section “Astana–Schuchinsk” was transferred 211 km long highway of republican significance "Astana–Petropavlovsk", operating on a toll basis. 


Road workers of Kazakhstan have built unique structures: a stadium, the Medeo sports complex, the Palace of the Republic in Almaty, air terminals and runways in many regional centers.


Road workers have created their own industry of road-building materials and factories for the repair of road equipment. A network of paved roads connected all regional and district centers and the overwhelming number of settlements in rural areas. 


During the period of development of virgin and fallow lands, road workers in Kazakhstan switched from constructing individual roads to mass construction. The fruit of their labor over 70 years is 80,000 km of paved roads, including 52,000 km with asphalt concrete and black surfaces, more than 5,000 bridges, 43,000 culverts, residential and public administrative buildings that decorate the streets of many cities and towns of the republic. .


During the years of the first five-year plans, the machine-building industry began to develop intensively in the former Union. Road builders received more and more road equipment every year. In the post-war years it became more advanced and productive. Its range expanded. Based on the dynamics of the technical equipment of the road sector in Kazakhstan, one can trace the economic situation of the country.


Single copies of road mechanisms and machines first appeared in Kazakhstan in the second half of the twenties. It was low-power equipment: wheeled tractors, trailed rollers and graders. During the Great Patriotic War, Kazakhstanis with their labor helped forge victory over the fascist aggressor. In the difficult year of 1943, they built the Agadyr-Akchatau highway, along which polymetallic ore needed for the defense industry was exported.


The road sector in Kazakhstan, having been destroyed during the civil war, began to revive in 1920. Only 127 km of paved roads remain as a legacy from the past. Only manual labor was used on road sections.